You can download content related to the Baltic Sea Day from this page. Here you will find graphic instructions for the Baltic Sea Day, Baltic Sea Day logos, Baltic Sea Day banners suitable for social media and other communication material, illustrations, as well as downloadable materials for the Roach Approach campaign and the Baltic Sea Menu.
The material bank will be updated during May-June, so please visit the site again later if you did not find what you are looking for.
Graphic instructions for the Baltic Sea Day
Baltic Sea Day logos
Baltic Sea Day: English, RGB
Baltic Sea Day: English, CMYK
Baltic Sea Day: Finnish, Swedish and English combined, RGB
Baltic Sea Day: Finnish, Swedish and English combined, CMYK
Baltic Sea Day logo: Swedish, RGB
Baltic Sea Day logo: Swedish, CMYK
Images for communications and marketing
When using images, the name of the photographer or other indicated image source must always be mentioned as the source. If no photographer or image source is specifically mentioned with the image, the source does not need not be reported.
eRoach materials
eRoach logos (RGB)
eRoach logos (CMYK)